Unintentional Injuries During the Lockdown – Physicool to the Rescue | Sanrai Shop
Unintentional Injuries During the Lockdown – Physicool to the Rescue

Unintentional Injuries During the Lockdown – Physicool to the Rescue

The coronavirus has forced most of us into a lockdown-like situation where everyone is confined to their homes and is only allowed to venture out for essentials. In some cases, even venturing out is not allowed due to curfews and severe lockdowns in place. Companies have shut their doors and asked most of their employees to work from home.

Staying fit while working from home

Working from home or staying at home during the lockdown is good to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but not so good for our health. With limited means at everyone’s disposal, we all try to make the best of the situation. Working out and working from home also comes with some risks, where you may injure yourself unintentionally. These injuries can include:

  • Unintended injuries while working out

    Sometimes, in your quest to stay healthy at all times you might twist an ankle, over-stress or even sprain your muscles. Being at home with not many options to get physiotherapy, these aches and pains get swept under the carpet and sometimes become chronic problems that you could end up dealing with for years.

  • Unintended injuries while working at home

    It is pretty natural for nearly anyone of us to trip over things, fall, and end up with a hurting shoulder, wrist pain, or any such common injury. Although most of these injuries are easy to heal, some of them are extremely painful and might need medical intervention to heal properly.

Solutions for these unintended injuries

Most of us go for the easiest option to treat these injuries—which is making a short trip to the medicine cabinet. However, popping pills for every pain and strain is not the best way to heal these injuries. Although they might numb the pain, it is best to either consult a doctor if you are in a lot of pain or use a non-addictive alternative to manage pain without the associated side effects of painkillers.

Cold therapy to reduce pain

Around the world, cold therapy is considered one of the best ways to reduce pain. As the affected area cools, it also draws out inflammation and pain from the affected area. Most of us are pretty familiar with ice packs, cold packs and frozen gel pads, but they have an inherent disadvantage—ice and frozen gel pads can only be used for a short time before they cool the affected part too much and cause discomfort or frostbite. So how can you use cold therapy and not get frostbite?

Physicool to the rescue

Enter Physicool—a revolutionary evaporative pain management therapy that helps you reduce pain and inflammation without the numbing effects of ice. Physicool is a proven, medically approved solution for pain management that is recommended by doctors across the world due to its effectiveness and ease of use. Physicool can help you stay pain-free without the discomfort that is normally associated with ice packs and frozen gel pads. With its gentle cooling relief and near-immediate recharge capabilities by using a liquid coolant, Physicool is safe and can be used for hours instead of minutes with minimal discomfort.

How can I get Physicool during the lockdown?

Sanrai Med is committed to your well-being and offers affordable world-class pain management solutions to help you through these trying times. With a wide service network, easy availability, and an experienced sales staff, Sanrai Med can help you manage pain in a medicine-free, non-addictive way even during the lockdown. Please contact our sales team for further details.

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