Top 10 Reasons to Pump Breastmilk For Your Baby | Sanrai Shop
Top 10 Reasons to Pump Breastmilk For Your Baby

Top 10 Reasons to Pump Breastmilk For Your Baby

The bond between a mother and her baby is one of the most amazing things in nature. As most babies are born completely dependent upon their mothers, they turn to them for all their physical and emotional needs. Nature has ensured that the mother can provide food for the baby in the form of milk until the baby is old enough to be fed other types of food. Mother’s milk is considered to have all the nutrition your baby may need. With just the right balance of essential elements that are perfectly balanced for your baby, no formula in the world can even come close!

Breastfeeding is a natural, healthy, satisfying process for both the mother and the child. It keeps the baby healthy by ensuring the right amount of nutrients to reach your baby and help your baby fight infections. Breastfeeding also helps the mother and the child develop an emotional bond with each other, which is very essential for the mental and emotional development of the baby.

Some mothers are not able to breastfeed their baby due to many reasons. These reasons may include:

  • Premature babies that need to spend time in an incubator
  • A cleft palate
  • Latching problems
  • Discomfort while breastfeeding
  • Inverted nipples
  • Being away from the baby for extended periods every day due to work

These problems can cause nutritional problems for the baby as formula can never be as good as mother’s milk, and can cause physical and emotional problems for the mother. Not being able to nurse the baby can lead to stress and anxiety, along with problems such as engorgement. In such situations, using a breast pump such as those from Kitett is a good way to ensure that your baby gets the nutrition that it needs. Most mothers are sceptical about pumping breast milk or might not know of the advantages that pumping breast milk can have for both the baby and the mother.

Although there may be hundreds of benefits of pumping milk for your baby, here are the top 10 reasons to start pumping breastmilk for your baby today:

  1. Breast milk is the best for your baby’s nutrition
    A well-fed baby is a happy and healthy baby. Pumping breast milk ensures that your baby gets all the nutrition it needs, even if you are not around. This is especially true for premature babies and those born with a cleft palate.
  2. Breast milk is easy to digest
    Breast milk is specifically created for your baby by nature. It is naturally easy to digest and perfect in taste, composition and nutrients for your baby, something that formula can never replicate.
  3. Breast milk helps your baby fight diseases
    Your milk will ensure that your baby has all the firepower it needs to fight infections and diseases, especially in these trying times.
  4. Sharing feeding time
    Your partner (or your baby’s caregiver) can ensure that feeding time is shared between the both of you, ensuring that you can get enough sleep during night-time feedings and this promotes a positive balance of childcare duties.
  5. Addressing supply problems
    If you suffer from low supply, breastfeeding can help you build a stash for your baby to ensure that they are well-fed at all times.
  6. Helping you with recovery after childbirth
    Mothers need time to recover after childbirth, especially after a c-section. Pumping breastmilk allows the mother to rest and heal faster.
  7. Helps to prevent problems like engorgement and mastitis
    Pumping breastmilk can help you prevent problems such as breast engorgement and mastitis and help you heal faster.
  8. Restarting your career
    Being a mother does not mean that you should put your career on the back burner forever. Pumping breast milk can help you ensure that you get back to work as soon as your maternity leave ends—with confidence.
  9. Donating to those in need
    You can donate your breast milk to mothers in need. This is a noble gesture that helps you feed a baby in distress and help their mother deal with her supply problems without any additional anxiety.
  10. Financial benefits
    Formula feed can cost thousands per month. Breast milk is free, chemical-free and the best option for your baby that formula can never match.

With your milk, your child will develop into a healthy, happy individual who has a fine-tuned immune system to fight the diseases that lurk around the corner. Kitett is a global leader in child care products that are focused on quality and nutrition for the baby. Kitett’s products are made to be extra gentle for the mother, ensuring that pumping breast milk becomes a rewarding, fulfilling process that can help the mother provide enough nutrition for her baby.

Kitett is brought to you by Sanrai—an experienced and innovative global medical products distributor with a presence in 46 countries, Sanrai’s expertise in maternal care devices set it apart from the competition with knowledgeable sales personnel and quality after-sales service. Contact Sanrai for your maternal care needs today!

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