Taking Care of your Health During the Lockdown | Sanrai Shop
Taking Care of your Health During the Lockdown

Taking Care of your Health During the Lockdown

The lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic has forced most of us into a work-from-home situation. As homes become offices, many of us ended up becoming couch potatoes because of longer-than-usual hours working, and the availability of online entertainment that has made us binge-watchers.

The fitness fad in the lockdown

Many of us have joined the fitness bandwagon, using the time available during the lockdown to reduce weight, get fitter, and become healthier individuals. This has converted our houses into home gyms, where we spend our time getting in shape. The lockdown has come as a boon for the overall health of individuals around the world as many of us have gotten off the couch and started to burn those calories away.

Injuries while working out

Although most of us consider working out at home a blessing, however, working out without proper equipment or guidance can result in unintentional sporting injuries. These injuries can be painful, and if left untreated can become chronic pains that may take months to heal.

Addressing injuries caused by working out

Although most of us try to make that quick trip to the medicine cabinet to fix these problems, painkillers can be extremely addictive and detrimental to our health in the long run.

  • Ice Packs:-

    Another popular option for these injuries is ice packs, but they can only be used for a few minutes at a time, and extended usage can cause ice burns.

  • Compression bandages:-

    Compression bandages are also considered a good alternative to manage pain but only manage to provide compressive relief that reduces inflammation and are unable to draw heat out of the wound to help relieve pain effectively.

Physicool—the best of both worlds

Combining these two techniques is a good solution but applying an ice pack over a compression bandage is not practical. Enter Physicool—a unique solution that leverages these two solutions innovatively.
Physicool utilizes the pain-relieving capability of cooling, and the inflammation-reducing capability of compressive bandages to create a truly innovative pain and inflammation management solution.

What is Physicool? How does it work?

Physicool is a compressive bandage dipped in the coolant that uses evaporation to cause a gentle, yet rapid cooling sensation. This, along with the compressive action of the bandage works at the tissue level to increase blood flow and reduces the temperature at the site as the coolant evaporates, rapidly reducing both inflammation and pain. This dual-action results in rapid cooling relief and inflammation control, without the ice burns.

Physicool can be used for extended periods without over-cooling the affected area and helps in long-term pain management for sporting and chronic injuries. Physicool can be used for knee, elbow, shoulder, and back pain. As Physicool can be used for extended periods without causing discomfort, it makes this solution perfect for post-surgical pain management, arthritis, arm, and elbow injuries, and many other injuries that may otherwise require pain and inflammation medication.

Physicool is a proven drug-free way to reduce the pain that can be used by individuals of all ages without any side-effects. Physicool reduces pain rapidly and gently, ensuring zero discomfort and rapid relief. Physicool is distributed in India by Sanrai—an innovative medical products distributor that brings the best medical devices the world has to offer to your doorsteps. If you are suffering from chronic or sporting-injury related pains, contact us today so we can help you effectively manage pain and provide you lasting relief for years to come.

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