Remove the Chill from Pain Management this Winter with Physicool | Sanrai Shop
Remove the Chill from Pain Management this Winter

Remove the Chill from Pain Management this Winter

The winter season has long been associated with discomfort, pain, and a general feeling of not being at ease by the elderly and those suffering from chronic pain. Traditional wisdom tells us that colder temperatures can aggravate pain and make basic chores difficult or painful. For those who have just been under the knife, winter can bring an extra dose of discomfort that might require an additional trip to the medicine cabinet. However, taking too much pain medication can be addictive and may also come with its own set of not-so-good side effects.

How can cold therapy help me in the winter?

Cold therapy penetrates deep into tissues, slowing down circulation which reduces pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms. Doctors usually recommend the PRICE (Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) protocol for pain management in the first few hours after a minor injury or post-surgery, however, most patients dread the Ice bit during the winter season, and for good reason. Handling a near-frozen, drippy, and messy ice bag is not something a patient would want to deal with when they are trying their best to stay warm. Enter Physicool – a revolutionary alternative to ice packs and frozen gel packs that do not need to be frozen, is not messy, and relieves pain for up to 2 and a half hours!

What is Physicool? How does it work?


Physicool is a proven, medically approved solution to the pain that is recommended by doctors across the world due to its effectiveness and ease of use. Physicool can help you stay pain-free this winter without the cold shivers that are normally associated with ice packs and frozen gel pads. With its gentle cooling relief and near-immediate recharge capabilities using a coolant, Physicool is safe and can be used for hours instead of minutes with minimal discomfort.

Sanrai Med is committed to your well-being and offers affordable world-class pain management solutions to help you through this winter. With a wide service network, easy availability and an experienced sales staff, Sanrai Med can help you manage pain in a medicine-free, non-addictive way. Please contact our sales team at +91-7341103371 for further details.

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