Cancer - The Pandemic no one is talking about | Sanrai Shop
Cancer - The Pandemic no one is talking about

Cancer – The Pandemic no one is talking about

Mankind has been obsessed with finding solutions to problems that affect every day. Whether these problems are related to the way we work, the way we travel or our health—innovators, scientists and engineers have been hard at work, finding effective solutions to these problems.

Nearly every innovation is focused on improving longevity and good health for society in general. Whether it is better clothing, better information delivery or better healthcare—innovations have helped us live healthier, happier, longer lives.

Scientists constantly find newer and better ways to fight diseases. One such disease that we have been grappling with since centuries is Cancer. Cancer is a group of interrelated diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer can easily spread throughout our body and lead to increased mortality rates in people of all ages. Considered to be the second-leading cause of death by the WHO, cancer still has low survival rates in advanced stages and is a dreaded disease that afflicts people of all age groups.

What causes cancer?

Cancer is mainly caused by changes to the DNA of cells. Mutations or changes to the instructions in genes cause problems with cell division and cell death—making cells grow uncontrollably and become cancerous. Cancer can be caused by environmental factors such as pollution, dietary factors such as excessive drinking or ingestion of adulterated food, smoking, sedentary lifestyles and hereditary reasons.

Pollution and smoking

Smoking and environmental pollution are considered to be the number one cause for lung cancer and other associated cancers. As chemicals in cigarette smoke and environmental pollutants in the air enter our lungs, they cause cells to mutate and become cancerous, severely limiting our capability to breathe and ultimately causing death. Cancers also exacerbate the effect of diseases such as COPD, making it difficult for people to breathe. Although devices such as Oxygen Concentrators can help individuals breathe better, but the damages caused by both COPD and lung cancer are irreversible and ultimately cause death.

Lifestyle and sleep

A sedentary lifestyle highly increases your chances of getting cancer. If you are active, up and about and exercise regularly, you are at a much lower risk than others. Individuals who do not sleep enough due to problems such as Sleep Apnea are at a very high risk of developing lifestyle-related cancers. Those with sporting injuries and lowered ability to move due to respiratory or sporting or even age-related limitation of movement are especially at risk.

Alcohol intake and diet

A well-balanced diet goes a long way in ensuring a high quality of life. Obese individuals expose themselves to chronic inflammation, which can damage cell DNA and be a reason for cancers to develop. Obesity also increases levels of estrogen and other hormones that may stimulate cell proliferation and spur the development of cancer.

Hereditary causes

Cancer often runs in the family as DNA mutations are carried from fathers or mothers to their children. Although the chances of getting cancer due to inherited mutations are less than 10%, but this is still a significant risk.

Preventing Cancer

  • There are many ways with which you can prevent cancer by just changing your lifestyle and eating habits. These include:
  • Reducing weight and having an optimal BMI or body mass index
  • Being physically active for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pulses
  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Limiting processed food consumption
  • Encourage breastfeeding of children up to 6 months or more
  • Avoiding sugary drinks
  • Sleeping at least 7 hours every night

Although medical science has made many advancements in the field of cancer research, this dreaded disease still remains as the second-leading cause of death worldwide. At Sanrai, we take your health very seriously. Our products are geared towards helping you lead a healthy, happy, trouble-free and long life. With our expertise in respiratory care, sleep therapy, post-surgical rehabilitation and pain management, we can help you live better!

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