Back Pin Management – Now Made Easy | Sanrai Shop
Back Pin Management – Now Made Easy

Back Pin Management – Now Made Easy

As we start our golden years, we look towards a period of rest and relaxation from the mad race to success that life throws at us during the first 60 years of our life. However, these golden years can often come with limitations and restrictions that can force us to change the way we lead our lives today.

Aches and pains are commonly associated with old age, and most of the elderly take these to be a part of their lives. The usage of assistive devices such as walking sticks becomes commonplace, and the space that was occupied by magazines or items of pleasure give way to vials of medication, ointments and supplements.

Back pain is considered to be a very common occurrence for the elderly. Most incidents of back pain are due to reduced mobility and a decreased capability to stretch or exercise our back muscles. Back pain can also occur due to postural problems and degeneration of joints.

Most incidents of back pain are temporary and can be fixed with physical therapy or the application of topical pain relief medication, however, some of these pains may linger. These lingering pains are debilitating and can cause our elderly to reach for the medicine cabinet whenever their pain threshold is reached. These methods provide instant, but short-term benefits as the effects of painkillers wear off quickly. Painkillers are also addictive in many cases, making us completely dependent on them for managing pain and these can be difficult to wean off from. However, with the pain being relentless in some cases and painkillers being the only way out, what can the elderly do to manage pain in a better, non-addictive way?

Enter WiTouch Pro—a revolutionary TENS therapy device that is a non-addictive and non-invasive solution to manage back pain in the elderly safely. TENS or Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a pain management regime that involves the usage of low voltage electricity to stimulate the nerves around the area where the pain is localized. TENS therapy is non-invasive, involves no medication and is extremely effective. Delivered using small electrodes that are attached to your body, TENS therapy relieves pain by stimulating and activating sites in your spinal cord and brain stem that utilize opioid, serotonin, and muscarinic receptors.

Based on TENS therapy, the revolutionary new WiTouch Pro is a discreet, battery-operated wireless device that can be controlled using your smartphone. This device relieves pain using mild electrical pulses that are delivered directly to your skin which stimulate your body’s natural pain relievers called endorphins. This can help in effective, long-lasting pain relief for the elderly without the added problems that can be caused by painkillers.

Alleviating chronic back pain using a drug-free alternative can work wonders for the elderly. Drug-free alternatives such as TENS therapy ensure fewer or no side effects and lasting relief. This device is FDA certified and has the highest stimulation output and the largest coverage area to ensure the most effective treatment and lasting relief from back pain.

In India, innovative medical products distributors like Sanrai Med ensure that our elderly get the comfort and support they, without the associated side effects of medication. Innovative and world-class products such as the WiTouch Pro can help the elderly keep back pain at bay, reducing discomfort in a drug-free way. Contact our sales team for more information regarding these products today!

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